December 25, 2022
Greeters: Jerry Glass
Usher: Richard & Linda Studley
Reader: Betty Patrick
Advent Candle Lighting: Jason & Candi Price Family
Musicians: Kim Wilsey
Passing of the Peace
Call to Worship
L: Rejoice! Happy Christmas to everyone!
P: Happy Christmas to you also!
L: Christ our Savior is born.
P: God’s Light is poured into the world.
L: O Come, let us celebrate this wonderful gift.
P: Let us praise God with shouts of joy and singing!
Opening Hymn: #246 “Joy to the World”
Fifth Weekend of Advent (Christ, Call & Response):
Lighting of the Advent Candles
We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. He was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judea.
He was the long-awaited Messiah whose coming was prophesied.
The same Jesus lives today in our hearts. He deserves our highest loyalty and total commitment.
In Jesus Christ, our hope is fulfilled; our love is consummated;
our joy is complete; and our peace is sealed.
"Rejoice, a Savior is born."
A savior is born, indeed. Joy to the world!
Solo - "Mary did you know?" By Dane
All God's Children
Scripture Lesson
John 1:1-14
Hymn of Preparation
#251 “Go, Tell It on the Mountain”
Sermon - Rev. Kelly Karges
“Christmas is here!”
Call to Prayer:
#2128 (Vs. 1) "Come and Find the Quiet Center"
Prayers of the People, Joys & Concerns:
Lord hear our prayers
Lord's Prayer #895
Prayer of Confession: (Unison)
Gracious God, you have sent your Son to us to show us the way.
Even when we have turned our backs, followed our own paths, you offer us Light.
Forgive us when we are so willful and stubborn.
Forgive us when we think more about ourselves and our comforts than we think of reaching out to others.
Remind us again that Jesus witnessed to us the Light of Love that serves, guides and heals.
Thank you for loving us so much that you would give us this most precious gift.
And when we again falter and fail, lift us again with your gentle touch.
Pour the Light into our lives once more, that finally, we will fully understand the power and depth of your love for us.
Words of Assurance:
With righteousness and equity, Christ has come to bring justice and grace, love and compassion.
Through the tender mercies of our God, and the glorious love of Christ Jesus, we are forgiven.
Prayer of Dedication: (UNISON)
O God, in this sacred season, we offer you these treasures from our stores, along with the gift of our hearts.
We place these gifts on your altar to help build the kingdom you opened to us on this day of Christ’s birth.
We lift our hearts to you, even as we place our lives into your care, as we follow your Son, who is the way, the truth, and the life.
Closing Hymn
#224 “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice”